El boniato, también conocido como batata o camote, es un tubérculo de forma alargada con una piel fina que varía en color desde el marrón hasta el rojizo, y una pulpa que puede ser naranja, blanca o morada, dependiendo de la variedad. Es conocido por su sabor dulce y textura suave cuando se cocina. Rico en carbohidratos, fibra, vitamina A (gracias a su contenido en betacaroteno) y vitamina C, el boniato es un alimento muy nutritivo. Se puede consumir asado, hervido, en puré o en postres, y es popular en platos tanto salados como dulces.
Health benefits
Health benefits
The tree tomato or Andean tomato is an ovoid fruit and there are three varieties, the most common in our market is the red one, sometimes with orange streaks, and there is also the orange and yellow variety. Its skin is thin, firm and shiny, and its pulp is similar to that of a tomato, juicy, with seeds inside (more tender in the orange variety, which is also the sweetest variety) wrapped in gelatin and the flesh is tender.
Freshness commitment
Freshness commitment
100% Fresh Our fruits are always products of the best quality, which go through a permanent verification process from cultivation, harvesting, packaging, air transportation and delivery to points of sale.
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